[Oshita Lab.][Research Theme] | [Japanese] |
In this paper, we propose a method to determine the rules for attractive poses and generate novel attractive poses based on the discovered rules. Given a set of attractive poses with a specific style and another set of unattractive poses, we can obtain the rules to separate those two sets of example poses by creating a decision tree based on the low-level pose features that are computed from the example poses. In this research, we implemented our approach for two kinds of attractive poses, Hero and JoJo standing poses, and successfully discovered the rules of these styles. We also developed a heuristic kinematics-based pose deformation method based on the discovered rules of attractive poses. The rules can be applied to any input pose with any specified scale. Using our system, a creator can interactively design novel poses.
- Masaki Oshita, Kei Yamamura, Aoi Honda, "Expressive Human Pose Deformation Based on the Rules of Attractive Poses", 6th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation (ArtsIT 2017), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST), Vol. 229, pp. 162-171, Heraklion, Greece, October 2017. [PDF]
[Digital Library]
- Masaki Oshita, Kei Yamamura, Aoi Honda, "Finding Rules of Attractive Human Poses Using Decision Tree and Generating Novel Attractive Poses", Computer Graphics International 2017, Short Paper, Article No. 33 (6 pages), Yokohama, Japan, June 2017. [PDF]